Friday, April 15, 2016


These guys. 1977. I saw them on March 18 of that year at The Palladium in NYC. Billed simply as an Iggy Pop gig. David Bowie -- who had produced the album -- was way off on the right, playing keyboards. Took a few minutes to recognize him. Nice surprise! Below is a TV performance from that same year.

Another great pairing. It always seemed that during a Paris stand, Bruce Springsteen would call up his old NYC pal Elliott Murphy for a duet. Here's one of my favorites, from a Bruce solo acoustic tour in the late Nineties:

Speaking of the Nineties, Marti was kind enough to dig out and bring me a couple of CDs from that era by our friend Fred Clayton. Fred's on bass, Gilles Fegeant plays guitar, the sax man is Gulliver Allwood and the inimitable Chris Dailey-McCraven is at the drumkit. They're all longtime buds of ours.

Fred and his family moved to Cape Cod many years ago, so now we have a good reason (as if fried clams and lobstah weren't enough) to go there. I'll be on the Cape in July and I'm looking forward again to hearing Fred play with his Clayton/ Restaino Project. More fun times ahead!

Our dear friend Jerry Joseph sent me a double-vinyl Record Store Day limited edition copy of his new album. (I ordered it on CD as well.) It's killer. His best work yet.

Now somebody tell me what the hell is going on in Jerry's latest video. It brings to mind that old Tom Waits song "What's He Building?"

My friend whom I've yet to meet in person (hey, it's the Social Media Age) Michalis Embeoglou liked what I wrote about his music yesterday and generously shared several files of unpublished, unmastered pieces with me today. They are marvelous; I just love what he composed for his last album A Few Notes and these surpass even those! Below is a track from the A Few Notes CD.

Thanks so much, Michalis.

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